“Date a Girl Who Writes”

I ran into a guy I went on a date with once, and he found out I was a writer.

“What’s your blog? Did you write about me? We should hang out again, maybe I can inspire you.”

Uhh, we went on one date. There’s not much to write about. :p

It’s funny though, I’d never noticed how much of my opinions I leave out in conversation. It’s only when I write it all down that I see how strongly something has affected me. Maybe that’s why people I’ve dated are so curious about my writing – they wanna know, what did I really think of them? You’ll have to subscribe to my blog and find out 😀 !!! But seriously, it’s strange for me to think that sometimes, there is someone on the other end who wants to know what I’m thinking. Writing how I feel down makes me realize the power of my thoughts and how they can potentially influence others.

Years ago, I read this personal essay about dating a girl who reads. At the very end, it says to “date a girl who writes” and since then, a ton of essays about that have circulated the internet. It’s a confidence booster for me to read, for those times when I feel like someone signed me up for The Bachelor and didn’t tell me I was on it (and I did not get the final rose). It’s a reminder of all the wonderful and beautiful qualities I know I have, that I know someone will one day love, recognize, and appreciate. Until that person comes along, in the meantime I have my words.

“She’ll write about you, eventually. She’ll say how you changed her life, and you’ll probably never know exactly how she feels until you read about it. It’ll make you so much more aware of how you affect people, which is such a blessing.”
Emily Dugger


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